Online High School Resources

Monday, October 24, 2016

Why Online Schooling Is So Vital Today!

In today’s world, education is one of the most fundamental and basic necessities of life. You cannot hope to lead a decent life without a good education. But what does online schooling have to do with that? Everything actually! We certainly do have traditional schools offering our children an education but it is not the same kind of education we had, and that is actually where the problem lies. Times have changed but our methods of educating our children have not, at least not as rapidly as they should to keep pace with constantly evolving technology. We still continue to impart old school ideas to our children hoping they will be able to find success within those notions. But just how useful are those ideas in an age that is characterized by immense connectivity and globalization. If our children depend solely on conventional ideas, they simply won’t stand any chance at all. We need to employ modern solutions such as virtual education to help our children keep pace with this rapidly changing world.

K12 Online courses have shown quite a lot of promise in delivering the potential that was originally expected of them. Recent studies have also indicated that almost every child in the United States is now taking at least one course online. Whether it is to supplement their existing course curriculum or trying to catch up on lost credit, studying online is slowly becoming more of a norm for most children across the nation. In fact, students around the world are now eagerly adopting online solutions to further their education. The reasons for doing so are fairly simple. Most students abroad find it difficult to afford traveling to the United States or the fees for a good quality education may not be within their reach. For such students, online homeschooling offers a very viable alternative. It provides them with access to a great education at very economical costs and not having to take on the additional cost of travel is like icing on the cake.

At The Ogburn Online School, we have always believed in providing each student with equal access to a great education, which is why we have always strived to ensure that No Child is Left Behind. Our focus has always been lifelong learning and that is exactly what we aim to achieve with every student who enrolls with us. Students are taught how to be self-sufficient and are encouraged to engage in exploration and discovery independently. This in turn, instills in them the self-confidence they need for taking on bigger challenges in the future.

Students who have been exposed to an online learning environment from a younger age are a lot more confident and show much more potential when compared with their counterparts from traditional schooling environments. This is why distance learning is gradually being adopted by parents in some form or the other. Parents want to provide their children with the best and online solutions are the way to do just that.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Adopting The New Age Virtual Learning Platform

A lot of parents and students too, seem to harbor the notion that online education is meant only for students belonging to higher grades. With its independent mode of delivering information, it is but natural for one to assume that an online environment would be suitable for those capable of studying independently. But that is far from the truth. Virtual learning has been developed in a manner suited to cater to the educational needs of every student. Online platforms are ideal for students of all ages and you can certainly be sure of finding one that suits your child’s educational needs. Of course, there are varying requirements in terms of support systems depending on the individual capabilities of each child and their learning capacities.

 For example, students from high school are provided with more flexibility and independence in terms of managing their course schedules. They are allowed to set the pace for their learning and are also given the freedom to select different courses based on their personal choices. Essentially, their choices are no longer limited by the availability of courses or teaching faculty. In effect, virtual learning transcends all physical boundaries by allowing students from different parts of the world to have access to the same teaching faculty while granting teachers more options in terms of access to a wider range of students. Effectively, this facilitates the seamless dissemination of knowledge and information to a much larger audience at a fraction of the cost of what it would otherwise have cost via conventional schooling.

 For those of you who were under the impression that online learning was meant only for electives and Advanced Placement courses, you’ve got another thing coming. There are several students who have chosen to enroll with online middle school and online elementary school right here in America, which clearly indicates that the scope of online learning programs isn’t limited to just students in high school.

Read complete article here 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Virtual Learning Environment for High School Courses

Virtual Learning Environment for High School Courses
 Lifelong learning has always been a cornerstone for The Ogburn Online School, one of the leading online schools in the United States. We have always encouraged students and parents to focus on holistic learning rather than just earning a diploma or degree. At the end of the day, it is the knowledge that counts, even if you have a degree to show for it. There are different kinds of online learning environments that schools employ for imparting education. Most allow students to study at their own pace, which provides them with a great deal of flexibility in terms of control over their coursework. Stipulated deadlines are assigned and students are allowed to modify the pace of the course as long as they keep to those deadlines. This has several benefits in terms of helping shape up the learning process. Students are allowed to slow down the pace of the course when faced with difficult concepts, which allows them to spend more time on concepts until they’ve grasped them completely. On the other hand, they are allowed to speed up when covering topics that are relatively easier.
This way, each student is allowed to proceed at his or her own individual pace without really having to worry about any other students, a major drawback in traditional classrooms. Online homeschooling helps bring school home to you. All students are required to complete and submit their coursework online, which makes things a whole lot easier. Communication, not just between teachers and students but also between parents and teachers, can be carried out much more frequently and at very affordable costs. Students are provided with interactive learning material within the realms of an online environment, which after all, is what online high courses are all about. They no longer need to carry around huge books and managing their coursework too, is a lot easier with everything being uploaded to a centralized location. They can now log in from practically anywhere as long as they have a computer and an internet connection. 
Online high school classes are designed to offer students a virtual learning environment that delivers the same quality of education as that of a traditional schooling environment but without all the drawbacks and hindrances. For example, students studying online tend to be more focused on their course material due to the lack of major distractions. The teacher-to-student ratio in an online environment is a lot more efficient and teachers are able to impact students more effectively due to the flexibility offered for individual attention. Developing peers and social interaction too, is a lot similar to the social networking websites children use these days. Overall, an online education system offers you all the benefits of a conventional education model without any of the hindrances. In fact, it offers you many more benefits and is a lot more advantageous than traditional schooling. Come to today and find out more details.