Online High School Resources

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

5 Reasons to Enroll in AP Classes at an Online High School

An online AP class is one that involves the material and workload of an in-person AP course. Thus, you will have the same readings, lectures, quizzes, and exams like in regular school. The only difference is that all of your communication with your teacher will take place through your computer. The communication, in this case, shall mostly take place through e-mail and IM. Video-chatting with the online instructors or virtual lecture sessions might also be used in some of the online courses.
In reality, every AP class you could take online is going to be a little different. This is why if you ever decide to take one, it is crucial to do research on which course to enroll. There are a certain number of courses that are accredited by the College Board, while some are not. Some courses might be free, some might cost a considerable amount. There are some that are graded independent study while others have scheduled virtual “class” meeting times.
Taking AP courses online have their own share of pros and cons. So, you need to be aware of these.
When you are determined to take an online education, you should consider enrolling in an online high school with Advanced Placement (AP) classes.
It is still debatable whether enrolling in AP courses should be the route to earning college credit. Based on which colleges you apply to, there is a chance some may not exchange college credit for all of your AP courses. It is the same even if you passed them with decent scores.
When you are intent on earning college credit through AP courses, make sure to study so that you can earn a score of 4 or higher. Usually, 4 is the minimum required to qualify.
When you are genuinely interested in attending college, taking introductory college-level courses can help you prepare whether or not you earn those college credits. It helps you to get that much-needed jump start. You can contact the Admissions Officer or Representative of Ogburn Online School to discuss your AP options.
Here are the top 5 reasons why you should enroll in AP classes in an online high school:
  • Heighten your college admission rates
Most of the college admissions counselors take into account as to which type of courses a student takes during high school. In fact, most times, it forms one of the top factors they consider while reviewing a student’s application. Keep in mind that college admissions are not solely based on GPA and SAT scores.

  • Get groomed for college-level courses
Apart from boosting your ability and potential to get into the college of your choice, taking AP classes also can help you to succeed in the long run, whether at your workplace or your college, once you get there. It automatically gets easier for you to cope up once you step into the next level. You find no difficulties while taking introductory college courses. Most of the times, this leads to a smooth and seamless college life or job life. After all, even a bit of experience can work wonders by the time you get to college.

  • Increase the weight of your GPA
In most of the high schools, including online schools, advanced placement courses are used to boost the weight of your GPA in totality. So, on the integration of AP grades, a 3.5 out of 4.0 GPA may have the equivalent of a 4.7 GPA.

  • Understand where you really stand
If you want to experience a true course of wholesome learning, simply get enrolled in AP courses. This is really for those who enjoy in-depth learning. With AP courses, you can expand your knowledge and skills in a specific subject or a set of subjects that you genuinely enjoy. These subjects surely include Chemistry, English and Biology and many more.

  • Secure college credit
There is a high chance for you to earn college credit when you take AP courses. It could help you graduate early as well as save you some funds in tuition expenses.

Thus, in order to stay competitive in the college admissions process, you need to have AP Courses under your belt. Also, it helps in your overall grades inflation. Most of the regular high school classes are weighed on a 4.0 GPA scale, AP Courses are graded on a 5.0 scale. Thus, when you get an A in a regular high school Biology class, this counts as a 4 towards your GPA whereas receiving an A in an AP Biology course counts as a 5. This highly improves your GPA as well as class ranking. When you take AP courses, most of the admissions officers of the topmost colleges and universities get convinced that you are serious about school and your studies.
As mentioned earlier, AP Courses count as college credits as well. A majority of the colleges you plan on applying to accept AP Courses as college credits. This makes it possible for you to skip introductory college courses and jump right into the more vital courses where you can make friends with older, or the senior classmates. Also, managing to skip introductory courses gives you a lot of free time to explore other classes outside of the subject of your major interest.

You can take a lot of AP Courses in order to challenge yourself. However, do so only if you have enough time to manage all these courses together. An AP course is certainly no child’s play! So, be certain.

Online high schools usually offer plenty of different AP Courses. So, you have many options to choose from. Do not restrict yourself by taking AP Courses only in subjects that come naturally to you. Get ready to challenge yourself. Show your admissions officers that you are someone who can make the most out of the college academic experience. Admissions officers always get inclines towards well-rounded students. You need to sell yourself by proving that you can be an all-rounder in your campus.

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