Online High School Resources

Monday, January 14, 2019

Why Consider an Online High School Diploma Over a ‘GED’?

What is a high school diploma?
A high school diploma is simply a piece of paper you get declaring that you have finished high school. It is a clear indication that you have passed all of your required high-school classes.

On technical terms, GED can be defined as General Educational Development. Some even say that it means Graduate Equivalency Degree. In more details, a GED is a series of tests used to show if you have a high school level education or not. Usually, there are five areas you’re tested in including Language Arts Writing, Language Arts Reading, Social Studies, Science, and Math.

To take the GED test, you need to be at least 16 years old. Also, you cannot be enrolled in high school. You need to take the actual GED test at a physical, certified location. It cannot be taken online. Also, keep in mind that anyone who tells you it can is part of an online GED scam.

Usually, community colleges accept GEDs without any hassle. Some universities take a GED if you have good SAT/ACT scores. Else, you might be required to attend a community college for a year to earn some good grades.

Passing the General Education Development (GED) exam and earning a high school diploma is certainly not the same thing. On an average, a GED-holder earns only $18,776 a year, and 95 percent of them are likely to drop out of four-year College programs. Three-quarters of GED holders usually do not make it through a career training program. Many of the employers and the military prefer applicants with an actual high school diploma, whether from a conventional high school or from an accredited online school. Clearly, GEDs aren’t enough! Earning a GED is almost the same as dropping out of high school!

If you have a legitimate high school diploma, you are likely to be chosen for jobs over those with GEDs. Also, the military will readily accept students with high school diplomas over GED holders. The irony here is that the U.S. military is the organization that developed the GED program during World War II. It can be stated that there are plenty of negative perceptions that come attached to GEDs.

The truth is that nothing can replace high-school classes, not even an equivalency exam. Getting a GED might provide the prerequisite for certain colleges and training programs. But, surely it won’t provide the learning needed to succeed in those programs. Neither will it provide students with the discipline that comes from taking courses to meet requirements.

It can be said that a GED is almost as bad as dropping out. So, you are almost predisposed to fail if you are planning to take GED!

Earning an online high school diploma is a way more feasible and productive option to go for. The best part is that there are many fully accredited online high schools today, such as the Ogburn High School. This pretty much enables adults who want to finish high school.

You must keep in mind that it is always a smart decision to go for a high school diploma online. You must show employers self-discipline. This way you can lay the foundation to succeed in a college degree or training program. When you do the work toward the diploma, you are bound to gain knowledge that helps you in your next programs. It also prepares you to handle the demands of your next level of education. You can also gain a sense of true achievement here.

GED is not as good as an online diploma, mainly an accredited one.You must check all of the facts before deciding how to complete your high school education.

What to know about GED?
Depending on the state where the test is taken, students might need to meet other requirements. The GED is awarded after a student passes a series of tests in five academic subjects. To pass each test, the student needs to score higher than 60% of the sample set of graduating seniors. Usually, students need to spend a good amount of time studying for the exams.

Duration of study
It is not required for students to take traditional courses in order to earn their GED. The examinations usually take seven hours and five minutes to complete. Students might need to take preparation courses in order to get ready for the exams. You must keep in mind that these preparation courses are not mandatory.

Reputation of GED
Most of the employers who are hiring for entry-level positions might consider a GED score as comparable to an actual diploma. However, only a large bunch of employers will consider the GED inferior to a diploma.
When it comes to individual universities, they usually have their own policies. Some might accept students with a GED. However, many will not view the credential in the same way as a diploma. This is more so if the school requires specialized courses of study for admittance. In most cases, a legitimate high school diploma will be regarded as superior.

What to know about a High School Diploma?
Ogburn high school allows older students to complete their graduation requirements with the ease of flexibility and customizability. Usually, school diplomas do not have minimum age requirements.

Requirements in general
To receive a diploma, students need to complete coursework as dictated by their school district. Curriculum usually varies from school to school.

Duration of study
Students usually take four years to complete their high school diploma. However, Ogburn online high school allows students to graduate early on by providing specialized courses.

Reputation of a diploma
A high school diploma allows students to meet the education requirements for many entry-level positions. Usually, employees with diplomas earn way more than those without. Students who wish to advance in their careers might need to attend college for some form of additional training.
An accredited Ogburn high school diploma guarantees acceptance. After all, Ogburn is fully accredited and facilitates children and adults by providing a wide range of customizable curriculum as well as a wide array of advanced courses.

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